The Jellyfish supernova remnant is about 12,700 years old and is part of the Gem OB1 association, which is located about 1500 to 2000 parsecs away in the outer galaxy.
Source: Dean Salman - http://www.sharplesscatalog.com
The Jellyfish supernova remnant (SNR 189.1+03.0, Sh 2-248, IC 443) which appears within the molecular clouds surrounding the Gem OB1 association, is one of the most prominent objects in this direction, which is usually considered to be relatively empty. Nevertheless, there are many interesting objects in this sector, including the star cluster Messier 35, a flaring neutron star, and what may be the closest O-star to our solar system. Messier 1 (SNR 184.6-5.8, Sh 2-244), the famous Crab nebula supernova remnant, is also located well below the galactic plane in this direction.
A flaring neutron star
Flavia's star, the double star system HD 245770 (LS V +26 5), which is believed to lie at a distance of about 2000 parsecs, and is visible in the direction of the eastern edge of the Simeis 147 (Sh 2-240) supernova remnant, has been intensely studied by astronomers. The brightest visual component is an O9.5IIIe giant, but what has attracted most of the attention is its companion, which appears to be a neutron star with an orbital period of 110 days. Bright X-ray bursts are occasionally observed from the neutron star, and these may be caused by material falling inwards from an accretion disk of gas and dust surrounding the star. [1]
The mystery of Sh 2-241
The nebulae Sh 2-241 and Sh 2-242 appear in the sky near the supernova remnant Sh 2-240 (SNR 180.0-01.7,Simeis 147). Sh 2-241 is a blister on the side of a molecular cloud at a distance of 5300 ± 1100 parsecs, and appears to be ionized by the O9V star LS V +30 31. [2] Avedisova adds a second unnamed B0.5V ionising star and gives a closer (but overlapping) distance estimate of 4500 ± 1200 parsecs. [3] Deharveng and colleagues give a similar estimate of 4700 parsecs. [4] Sh 2-241 is likely a massive star formation region. [5] Images of the nebula in hydrogen-alpha show that it is composed of a bright knot at the tip of a cone of more diffuse nebula. The Sharpless designation applies to the entire nebulosity, not just the bright knot.
The O9V class star LS V +30 31 at (180.9343° +04.0421°) is located at a distance of only 130 parsecs, according to observations made by the Hipparcos astrometry satellite [6], which makes it possibly the closest known O-star to our solar system. This contradicts the large 4500-5300 parsec distance estimates for Sh 2-241, suggesting that either LS V +30 31 is not the ionising star for Sh 2-241 or that this nebula is far closer than the available distance estimates suggest. LS V +30 31 and HIP 28711 are listed separately in SIMBAD but the Hipparcos paper identifies them. [6] The parallax of HIP 28711 is 7.59 mas (with an error of 2.75 mas), which is 132 parsecs, and the Hipparcos catalog does indeed give the spectral type as O9V.
The recently re-reduced Hipparcos catalog simply deepens the mystery as the new parallax for HIP 28711 is given as 9.19 mas (with an error of 2.85 mas). This makes the star even closer (109 parsecs). [7] (data accessed through Astrogrid).
The reflection nebula vdB 65 = DG 86 [8] is near in the sky to Sh 2-241, but vdB 65 is apparently a much closer object at a distance of 1100 parsecs associated with LDN 1557 and is part of a complex of molecular clouds and dark nebulae that also includes LDN 1550, 1555, and 1560. [9]
Sh 2-242, Sh 2-243 and W11
Avedisova concludes that the HII region Sh 2-242 is excited by two unnamed B0V and B0IV-V stars and appears to lie at a distance of 2200 ± 220 parsecs. [3] This is compatible with the BFS estimate of 2100 parsecs. [10] A 1990 paper gives an estimate of 2700 parsecs. [11] Lada and Lada find that Sh 2-242 contains an 81 solar mass star cluster visible in infrared [12] and the Avedisova catalog associates Sh 2-242 with the infrared cluster [DB2001] Cl 25. [Avedisova 1798] Stark and Brand find that the nebula is associated with a giant molecular cloud. [13]
There is little or nothing visible at the location of Sh 2-243 (LBN 830) at visible frequencies on the DSS2 or IPHAS plates, or at infrared or radio frequencies either. BFS do not give a distance estimate for Sh 2-243 because they detect two quite different velocities in the carbon monoxide gas in this direction. [10] Russeil gives an estimate for the distance to Sh 2-243 as 2000 parsecs [14], which seems compatible with the prominent molecular cloud mapped in this direction and displayed in Figures 1 and 2 of a Japanese study of this region. [9] There is little in the scientific literature beyond these references, so all that can be concluded is that it is unclear what Sharpless originally detected but there is definitely a significant molecular cloud in this direction visible in microwaves. Having said that, the Avedisova catalog does associate Sh 2-243 with a star formation region that also includes the reflection nebula DG 68 = [SS62] 45, a hydroxyl maser, the infrared source IRAS 05363+2317 and several radio sources. [Avedisova 1809]
Westerhout detected a radio source (W11) just south of Sh 2-243, but his notes say "probably 0-line error" [15], and there is no obvious object in this direction.

This radio image shows the most prominent HII regions and supernova remnants in this sector. The Jellyfish supernova remnant and the adjacent HII region Sh 2-249 dominate this sector at radio frequencies.
Source: Galactic Plane Explorer radio image
An outer void
The galactic plane between these nebulae and the Gemini molecular clouds seems empty, with only the tiny nebulae BFS48, BFS49 and BFS50 lighting the void. Not much is seen in this region of the galactic plane at infrared, radio or microwave frequencies. There is an intriguing hint of a large circular nebula in WHAM hydrogen-alpha, visible in the Galactic Plane Explorer around (184.3°, 0.75°) with the brightest spot near the infrared source IRAS 05553+2642 [Avedisova 1803], but this does not show up in the more detailed IPHAS hydrogen-alpha images, so this clearly needs more investigation.
Stark and Brand find that BFS48 is associated with a giant molecular cloud. [13] BFS 49 and BFS 50 both contain infrared star clusters, designated [BDS2003] 76 and [BDS2003] 77 respectively. [16]
One much more famous object lurks well below the galactic plane at (184.60°, -5.80°) - the Crab nebula (SNR 184.6-05.8, M1, W9, Sh 2-244). This supernova remnant is one of the most studied objects listed in the SIMBAD astronomical database with 3346 scientific papers referring to it. It is the remains of a supernova observed in 1054 [17] and is believed to lie at a distance of about 1930 parsecs. [18]
Commenting on the emptiness in this sector, S.W. McCuskey wrote
No evidence exists among the OB stars for a spiral arm beyond the local concentration in which the sun is embedded. [19]
Radio observations well above and below the galactic plane, however, have found hydrogen gas moving at high velocity in this sector, and some researchers such as Heiles have interpreted this as an expanding shell in this sector centred around the galactic plane. [20]
A detailed study of this high velocity gas comes to quite a different conclusion - that this gas is from high velocity clouds, perhaps originating from the Milky Way's halo, which are crashing through the galactic disk because of gravitational attraction. [21] It seems that the emptiness of the outer galaxy gives us a clear view of a vast cosmic meteor shower.
Approaching Gem OB1
Brighter stars start to appear again in the eastern part of the sector, which is dominated by a complex of molecular clouds surrounding the Gem OB1 association.
The star cluster Messier 35 (NGC 2168) lies well in front of Gem OB1 at a distance of 830 parsecs and is 151 million years old, according to Kharchenko, who lists 4 ionising stars, all B-class. [22] A 2003 study using the 3.6 meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope noted that NGC 2168 contains more than 1000 stars in total and gives slightly larger estimates of 912 (+70 or -65) parsecs and 180 million years. [23]
The star cluster NGC 2129 is found at about the same distance as Gem OB1 with a distance of 1515 parsecs and an age of 12 million years according to Kharchenko [22], or a distance of 2200 +/ 200 parsecs and an age of 10 million years according to a 2006 study. [24] Kharchenko lists one ionising star, the B2III:e giant HD 250289. The 2006 study identifies 37 probable members.
Humphreys concludes that NGC 2129 is part of a small OB association, which she also calls NGC 2129, and lists three ionising members: the two B2I supergiants HD 40003 and HD 250290 and the B3III giant HD 250241 at an average distance of about 1810 parsecs. [25] Reed also lists the O8Ia supergiant LS V +23 8 in this direction. [Reed] SIMBAD says that LS V +23 8 is a B-class star, but a 2003 study supports the O8Ia class and gives a distance modulus of 12.5 (about 3200 parsecs) [26], suggesting a location in the Perseus arm.
Collinder 89 lies at a distance of 800 parsecs and is 31.6 million years old according to Kharchenko. She lists 7 ionising stars, including the O9Vp class HD 255055. [22] Negueruela, Steele, and Bernabeu describe HD 255055 as a "likely member of Gem OB1" and note that it is "immersed in diffuse nebulosity". [27] A 1986 study lists a distance of 2480 parsecs for HD 255055. [20] Humphreys lists HD 255055 as one of the ionising stars for the Gem OB1 association, with a distance modulus of 11.97, which works out to be the same estimate as in the 1986 study, 2480 parsecs. [25] Sharpless lists HD 255055 as one of the ionising stars of Sh 2-249 [Sh], which is usually listed as part of Gem OB1. [28]
Gem OB1
The most detailed study of the Gem OB1 region appears in two papers published in 1995 by Carpenter, Snell and Schloerb. [29], [30] This OB association appears at a distance of about 1500 to 2000 parsecs and is embedded in a large complex of molecular clouds containing about 320 thousand solar masses of gas and dust. It includes the HII regions Sh 2-247, Sh 2-252, Sh 2-254 to Sh 2-258, and BFS 52 as well as the Jellyfish supernova remnant (SNR 189.1+03.0, Sh 2-248, IC 443). [29] Other studies add Sh 2-249 to this list [28].

The Gem OB1 molecular clouds are the moist prominent objects in this microwave image, which also shows the major ionising stars, clusters and associations in this direction.
Source: Galactic Plane Explorer microwave image
Humphreys lists 17 OB stars in Gem OB1, including 4 O-class stars, as well as 3 M-class supergiants. [25] The hottest of these stars is HD 42088 (O6.5 V).
Avedisova lists HD 42088 as one of the ionising stars of Sh 2-252 [3], which is commonly called the Monkey Head nebula. Sh 2-252 appears to surround the star cluster NGC 2175.[31] However, Kharchenko lists no star cluster in this direction [22] and a 2005 paper separates the stars in this direction into 10 distinct groups with distances ranging from 410 to 8100 parsecs. [32] So NGC 2175 may not be a real star cluster. Fountain, Gary and O'Dell argue that HD 42088 alone can explain almost all the ionisation seen in the nebula. They explain the dynamics of the region as a double blister created by molecular gas ionised by HD 42088 and suspended between two or possibly three larger clouds of neutral atomic hydrogen. [33] Felli and colleagues seem to disagree, however, stating that HD 42088 can only explain about half the ionisation observed in the region near the radio source Sh 2-252 B, for example, and that less visible embedded stars must be responsible for the rest. [34] A later study concludes that the main ionising star for Sh 2-252 B is the B1V class LSV +20 16. [35]
Sh 2-252 lies at a distance of 2200 ± 300 parsecs [31], 2000 parsecs [29] or 2180 ± 550 parsecs [3] which seems to associate this nebula with the Gem OB1 molecular clouds in the same direction. The Avedisova catalog lists 53 components for the star formation region associated with Sh 2-252, including the cometary nebula [NS84] 7 (IRAS 06055+2039, RAFGL 5179). [Avedisova 1842] IRAS 06055+2039 contains a 2-3 million year old star cluster embedded in a 7 to 9 thousand solar mass molecular cloud. It is associated with Sh 2-252 A, which is one of 6 radio sources that have been detected in the direction of the nebula. Of these, 4 are compact radio sources (Sh 2-252 A, B, C and E), one more diffuse (Sh 2-252 F) and one apparently extragalactic (Sh 2-252 D). Sh 2-252 F is ionised by HD 42088. The compact sources likely all have their own embedded ionisation sources in addition to HD 42088. [36], [34] Sh 2-252 E is associated with a cluster of 21 stars embedded in the brightest knot of nebulosity in Sh 2-252. This cluster does not seem to have a formal catalog name but is sometimes referred to as the "Christbaumhäufchen" (Christmas tree cluster) and includes two prominent B1V and A0 class stars. Sh 2-252 C may be ionised by the B-class star LS V +20 17. [35], [37]
The Sh 2-247 HII region is associated with a 37 thousand solar mass molecular cloud. The nebula lies at a distance of 2200 pc and appears to be physically connected through CO filaments with Sh 2-252. The exciting star is the B0 III giant LS V 21 27. [38] According to the Avedisova catalog, the star formation region associated with Sh 2-247 contains 51 components, including 9 masers, the infrared cluster IRAS 06061+2151 = WB89 755, and the young stellar object IRAS 06058+2138 = WB89 752. [Avedisova 1830]
Sharpless lists 6 possible ionising stars for the HII region Sh 2-249. [Sh] The hottest of these is the the O9Vp class HD 255055, which Kharchenko says is a member of the star cluster Collinder 89 at a distance of only 800 parsecs. [22] Avedisova lists three B-class ionising stars for Sh 2-249 (but not HD 255055) and gives a distance estimate of 1250 ± 200 parsecs. [3] BFS give a distance estimate of 1600 parsecs. [10] The O9V star HD 256035, one of the four O-stars Humphreys associates with Gem OB1, ionises the southern portion of Sh 2-249, Sh 2-249S. [39]
Sh 2-249 is also associated with the HII region BFS51, the reflection nebula vdB 75, the dark clouds LDN 1564 and LDN 1567, and the molecular cloud [KOY98] 102. [9] The Avedisova catalog mentions two reflection nebula: LBN 845 and IC 444. [Avedisova 1834] Sh 2-249 and the nearby Jellyfish supernova remnant Sh 2-248 do not seem to be physically associated but may have developed within the same molecular cloud. [40]
The Jellyfish supernova remnant appears to be about 12,700 years old [41]. It is located at a distance of about 1500 parsecs [42] and has a complex 3-shell structure [39]. Parts of this structure are bright in X-rays and one of the shells may be associated with a second, much older supernova remnant. [43]
Nebulae in this sector
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