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Sucking down the site

Submitted by Kevin Jardine on 4 December, 2006 - 15:06

According to my server logs, on Saturday 2 December 2006, between 9 am and 4 pm, someone in the Marseilles / Nice region of southern France used the HTTrack website copier to download most of this site.

I have deliberately not put copyright notices on the maps and other images on this site even though I have spent hundreds of hours creating them. I acknowledge the sources of the data and I think its fair to let anyone who wants to use images or other information from Galaxy Map to do so as long as they acknowledge the sources (including this site) as well.

However, I am unhappy about people using computer programs to suck down the entire site. First, because of the pressure this places on my server and the bandwidth costs I would face if several other people decided that they wanted copies of this site as well. But second, and more importantly, because this is a living site with continual updates. Someone in southern France now has an out-of-date copy of Galaxy Map that will get more and more out of date over time.

If you like this site and want the data I used to build it, just ask me. If you need special maps for a legitimate application, then just ask me and perhaps I can help.

But please don't make copies of this site without my permission.

If the person who did make the copy reads this (or if you know who did it), then I would appreciate it if you would comment below and tell me how you intend to use this information.

If you are not already registered, then you will need to take a minute to click on the link on the left to create an account. It only takes a minute.

Kevin Jardine