Avedisova star formation regions in sector 220°-210°

This page lists Avedisova star formation regions in the sector with galactic longitude 220°-210° (between galactic latitude -5° and +5°) that contain objects that have at least one bibliographic reference in the SIMBAD database. The regions can be sorted in the order of regions containing objects with the most references or in the order of regions with the most components. The location is linked to a page summarising the data on the star formation region and the object name is linked to the SIMBAD page for that object. Each line also lists the SIMBAD suggested type for that object as well as the number of bibliographic references.

SIMBAD cross reference and type information is not always accurate, so this information should be treated cautiously. It is best to read the bibliographic references for the object to get the latest and most accurate information.

Sort by [Maximum number of SIMBAD references | Number of components]

Region Components Most referenced object Type Object references
212.00-1.31 [33] LBN 983 HII [33]
217.38-0.08 [22] [NS84] 14 HII [49]
218.12-0.38 [19] LBN 218.08-00.35 HII [31]
212.94-3.74 [14] V* CY Mon PulsV*semi-reg [11]
214.49-1.81 [11] IRAS 06453-0209 IR [7]
210.83-2.56 [8] SH 2-283 HII [34]
218.74+1.85 [8] IC 466 HII [34]
217.32-1.37 [8] SH 2-286 HII [16]
211.23-0.41 [7] NGC 2282 RfNeb [30]
213.07-2.23 [6] IRAS 06412-0105 IR [16]
210.07-2.31 [6] LBN 978 HII [10]
214.69+0.74 [6] IRAS 06547-0109B IR [1]
213.81+0.62 [5] SH 2-285 HII [35]
217.44+0.35 [5] [MAB97] 217.38+0.25 HII [11]
211.54+1.01 [5] IRAS 06501+0143 IR [11]
215.14+0.90 [5] IRAS 06561-0129 IR [2]
218.15-0.57 [5] IRAS 06561-0452 IR [2]
217.05-0.06 [4] NAME IRONCLAD NEBULA EmObj [26]
218.83-4.55 [4] LBN 218.92-04.42 HII [16]
212.03-0.40 [4] IRAS 06446+0029 IR [13]
212.96+1.29 [4] 2MASX J06560633+0033477 YSO [10]
219.57-3.81 [4] BFS 60 HII [4]
217.64-0.17 [3] [FT96] 217.6-0.2 HII [14]
211.14-1.01 [3] 87GB 064159.4+011146 HII [7]
216.79-1.04 [3] LEDA 136697 Galaxy [5]
216.43-1.72 [3] LEDA 136697 Galaxy [5]
210.32-0.04 [3] IRAS 06439+0221 IR [3]
216.10+0.01 [3] BFS 55 HII [3]
213.10-3.56 [3] IRAS 06365-0143 IR [3]
215.53-3.67 [3] IRAS 06416-0352 IR [3]
210.10-0.76 [3] IRAS 06409+0213 IR [3]
217.28+0.55 [3] IRAS 06588-0332 IR [2]
213.92+0.38 [2] ZOAG G213.92+00.38 YSO [10]
217.84-0.60 [2] V* V860 Mon EB*Algol [9]
217.60-2.62 [2] 2MASX J06503736-0521006 Galaxy [9]
212.27-3.48 [2] WB89 848 YSO [8]
215.89-2.01 [2] 2MASX J06494021-0332523 YSO [7]
210.39-2.91 [2] 2MASX J06362361+0055513 Galaxy [5]
217.93-3.60 [2] 2MASX J06474279-0605227 Galaxy [5]
211.04+1.18 [2] LEDA 136609 Galaxy [5]
218.67-4.41 [2] IRAS 06437-0703 IR [3]
211.89-1.06 [2] IRAS 06432+0029 IR [3]
210.02-2.32 [2] [CB88] 51 MolCld [3]
212.13-1.43 [2] IRAS 06423+0006 IR [3]
212.31-3.32 [2] IRAS 06359-0055 IR [2]
210.24-1.33 [2] IRAS 06391+0150 IR [2]
214.58-2.67 [2] IRAS 06424-0237 IR [2]
213.08+0.82 [2] [FT96] 213.1+0.8 HII [2]
210.47-2.34 [2] IRAS 06360+0109 IR [2]
210.37-0.82 [2] IRAS 06412+0157 IR [2]
216.00-2.50 [2] IRAS 06471-0353 IR [2]
214.93-2.72 [2] IRAS 06428-0257 IR [2]
214.92-3.48 [2] IRAS 06401-0318 IR [2]
219.87-2.50 [2] IRAS 06527-0715 IR [1]
217.55+2.43 [2] IRAS 07060-0255 IR [1]
217.18-0.85 [2] IRAS 06536-0406 IR [1]
210.23-1.55 [2] IRAS 06384+0144 IR [1]
212.29-0.62 [2] IRAS 06454+0020 IR [1]

Sector navigation

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350

Acknowledgement: based on the Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy ( Avedisova, V. S., Astronomy Reports, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2002, pp.193-205 [2002ARep...46..193A]). The complete catalog can be accessed here: V/112/.

For more information, read The Avedisova catalog: A real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?