Star Formation Region Avedisova 3007

Catalog name: 353.41-0.13

Prominent object names: [CH87] 353.41-0.13, RAFGL 5343, IRAS 17262-3435, HFE 28 [glossary]

IRAS infrared sources (1): IRAS 17262-3435 (IR) [4]

Other component designations: RAFGL 5343

Distance estimates for objects in this region

Object PositionSize (arcmin) Source Note Distance(s)
[CH87] 352.676+0.148 352.676+0.148 3. x 7. 1987A&A...171..261C V 6800, 13100

For more information on distance estimates see Avedisova distances.

Detailed component listing with references (6 components)

Main objectR [1969AuJPA..11...27B], R [1994ApJS...91..111W], R [1987A&A...171..261C], R [1989ApJS...71..469L]
353.35 -00.02IR HFE 28 [1971ApJ...170L..89H]
353.37 -00.12IR RAFGL 5343 [1983AFGL..161....0P]
353.364-00.167IR 17262-3435 [1988IRASP.C......0J]
353.34 -00.15IR [1983AJ.....88..835M], M CS [1996A&AS..115...81B], M CO [1983AJ.....88..835M], M H2CO [1974A&A....37..389W]
353.364-00.164R [1990ApJS...74..181Z], R [1994ApJS...91..347B]

Acknowledgement: based on the Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy ( Avedisova, V. S., Astronomy Reports, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2002, pp.193-205 [2002ARep...46..193A]). The complete catalog can be accessed here: V/112/.

For more information, read The Avedisova catalog: A real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?