Star Formation Region Avedisova 2370

Catalog name: 290.35+1.62

Prominent object names: Gum 36, HD 97471 [glossary]

IRAS infrared sources (4): IRAS 11095-5830 (IR) [0], IRAS 11101-5829 (IR) [16], IRAS 11100-5832 (IR) [1], IRAS 11103-5834 (IR) [0]

Masers: 1 hydroxyl, 1 water, 1 methanol

Other component designations: BRAN 347 (HII) [11], Gum 36 = HD 97471 (Star) [36]

Detailed component listing with references (18 components)

Main objectO BBW 347 [1986A&AS...65..537B]
290.365+01.639R [1994ApJS...91..111W], O H 54 [1953AnHar.119...37H], O Gum 36 [1955MmRAS..67..155G]
290.52 +01.55O St 13 cluster [87065]
290.48 +01.77O Lo 292 cluster [1973A&AS...10..125L], M CO [1978A&A....68....1G]
290.4 +01.9D DC [1986A&AS...63...27H]
290.304+01.627IR 11095-5830 [1988IRASP.C......0J]
290.374+01.661IR 11101-5829 Rim A [1988IRASP.C......0J], IR 11101-5829 [1988IRASP.C......0J], IR bipolar_nebu la [1997MNRAS.287..894T], M OH-E [1998MNRAS.297..215C], M H2O-E [1989A&AS...77..465B], M CS [1996A&AS..115...81B], M CS [1995A&AS..111...95Z]
290.375+01.662M CH3OH-E [1995MNRAS.272...96C], M CH3OH-E [1995PASA...12...37C]
290.372+01.656O HH135 [1992ApJ...400..248O]
290.377+01.673O HH136 knotA [1992ApJ...400..248O]
290.376+01.669O HH136 knotB [1992ApJ...400..248O]
290.377+01.666IR NIR9 [1997MNRAS.287..894T]
290.376+01.667O HH136 knotD/E [1992ApJ...400..248O]
290.376+01.664O HH136 knotG [1992ApJ...400..248O]
290.376+01.662IR NIRS17 [1997MNRAS.287..894T]
290.375+01.662O HH136 knotI [1992ApJ...400..248O]
290.375+01.617IR 11100-5832 [1988IRASP.C......0J]
290.435+01.598IR 11103-5834 [1988IRASP.C......0J]

Acknowledgement: based on the Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy ( Avedisova, V. S., Astronomy Reports, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2002, pp.193-205 [2002ARep...46..193A]). The complete catalog can be accessed here: V/112/.

For more information, read The Avedisova catalog: A real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?