Star Formation Region Avedisova 2299

Catalog name: 282.32-1.33

Prominent object names: RCW 46 [glossary]

IRAS infrared sources (1): IRAS 10060-5713 (IR) [0]

Other component designations: BRAN 288 (RfNeb) [7], RCW 46 (HII) [12]

Distance estimates for objects in this region

Object PositionSize (arcmin) Source Note Distance(s)
RCW 46 282.4-1.328.36 2000AJ....119.2828M I 6500
[CH87] 282.632-0.853 282.632-0.85325. x10. 1987A&A...171..261C V 0, 4400
[GCB88] 3 281.4-1.1101 1988ApJ...331..181G P 3200
[GCB88] 6 282.9-0.731 1988ApJ...331..181G P 3200

For more information on distance estimates see Avedisova distances.

Detailed component listing with references (6 components)

Main objectO RCW 46 [1975PhDT.......119G]
282.24 -01.10R [1987A&A...171..261C], R [1994ApJS...91..111W], R [1972AuJPA..25....1D], R (H 126A) [1968AuJPh..21..149M], M CO [1982PASAu...4..434W], M H2CO [1974A&A....37..389W], M H2CO [1987A&A...171..261C], M OH-A [1974AuJPh..27..597C], M OH-A [1967AuJPh..20..407M], M H2CO [1984MNRAS.210...23G]
282.312-01.305IR 10060-5713 [1988IRASP.C......0J]
282.35 -01.39O BBW 288 [1986A&AS...65..537B], M CO [1978A&A....68....1G]
281.40 -01.10M CO cloud [1988ApJ...331..181G]
282.90 -00.70M CO cloud [1988ApJ...331..181G]

Acknowledgement: based on the Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy ( Avedisova, V. S., Astronomy Reports, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2002, pp.193-205 [2002ARep...46..193A]). The complete catalog can be accessed here: V/112/.

For more information, read The Avedisova catalog: A real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?