Star Formation Region Avedisova 1860

Catalog name: 192.94-0.58

Prominent object names: Sh 2-259 [glossary]

IRAS infrared sources (4): IRAS 06084+1727 (IR) [11], IRAS 06080+1728 (IR) [0], IRAS 06070+1737, IRAS 06089+1727 (IR) [1]

Other component designations: FIRSSE 139, SH 2-259 (HII) [18]

Distance estimates for objects in this region

Object PositionSize (arcmin) Source Note Distance(s)
Sh 2-259 192.94-0.584.83 1982ApJS...49..183B I 8300
WB89 770 1989A&AS...80..149W I 870, 2310, 7550

For more information on distance estimates see Avedisova distances.

Detailed component listing with references (9 components)

Main objectO S 259 [1982ApJS...49..183B], O [1990AJ.....99..622F]
192.94 -00.58R [1985AJ.....90.1076C], R [1986AJ.....92..371G], R [1993ApJS...86..475F], R [1972AuJPA..25....1D]
192.91 -00.62IR complex [1995AJ....109.2611C], IR complex A+B [1995AJ....109.2611C], IR 06084+1727 A [1995AJ....109.2611C], IR FIRSSE 139 [83056]
192.911-00.623IR 06084+1727 [1988IRASP.C......0J], M CO [1989A&AS...80..149W], M CS [1996A&AS..115...81B]
192.915-00.616R [1988A&A...191..323W], R <C> [1996ApJ...458..653R]
192.839-00.703IR 06080+1728 B [1995AJ....109.2611C], IR 06080+1728 [1988IRASP.C......0J]
192.653-00.880IR 06070+1737 C [1995AJ....109.2611C], IR 06070+1737 [1988IRASP.C......0J]
192.954-00.557R [1988A&A...191..323W]
192.960-00.523IR 06089+1727 [1988IRASP.C......0J], M CO [1982ApJS...49..183B]

Acknowledgement: based on the Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy ( Avedisova, V. S., Astronomy Reports, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2002, pp.193-205 [2002ARep...46..193A]). The complete catalog can be accessed here: V/112/.

For more information, read The Avedisova catalog: A real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?