introduction | overview | downloads | community | map | book | gallery

This website is only a first start in mapping and documenting our region of the galaxy. In order to improve it, we need your help! There is a lot of inconsistent data on the distances of objects, and a huge amount of work is needed to document the thousands of objects currently on the map. There are a number of tools available to help. First, visit and register at the Galaxy Map community site. Eventually there will be blogs, discussion forums and (most importantly) a collaborative book.

There are some important research tools available on the map itself. If you zoom into the fourth zoom level, you can hover your mouse over each individual object and get some information in a tooltip. If you click on the object, an information page will appear that includes links to the major research sources on the Internet for that object. Soon we'll be activating a system that will allow you to expand the site by submitting research notes and object descriptions.

<< introduction

This garden universe vibrates complete.
Some we get a sound so sweet.
Vibrations reach on up to become light,
And then through gamma, out of sight.
Between the eyes and ears there lay,
The sounds of colour and the light of a sigh.
And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe.
But it's all around if we could but perceive.
To know ultraviolet, infrared and X-rays,
Beauty to find in so many ways.

Moody Blues,
In Search Of The Lost Chord